Magdalena&Co Scalp Detox Treatment

Blog by: Cheyenne Chanel

Scalp health is one of the areas that often gets overlooked. There are just way too much harsh hair products that leave hair clogged and dull. 
The scalp detox treatment promotes hair growth, strengthens cuticles as it cleans pores, while stimulating blood circulation. Soothes dry itchy scalp from scalp acne and folliculitis. Cleans follicle build up by removing residue from shampoo and conditioner, medications, fungus, viruses, bacteria, residue from weave, braids, debris and glue. Gray hair will sparkle. 
The product incorporates apple cider vinegar and essential oils. Peppermint, tea tree, Lavender, ginger, orange and lemon. The herbs are parsley, nettles, Lavender and rose petals. Infused are precious stones... rose quartz and moonstone. Moonstone is the stone of the goddess and rose quartz is the stone of love. They both promote hair growth, leaving hair feeling cleansed, refreshed and full of life. 
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  • Very interesting post. I really fall in love by reading your post. In short, your post makes my day special.

    Paul Zamarripa
  • Very good guide! There’s so many products that use synthetic and toxic ingredients. It is so encouraging to see people actually do care and there is an increasing awareness on what goes in the products we use everyday.

    Love from Haoma – Organic Skincare

    Enid Walters
  • Great blog! Great products!


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